Assisted Living
Gold Crest Retirement Center strives to create and maintain an independent living arrangement for residents who need minimal assistance and supervision through our Assisted Living Apartments. Pre-admission screening is done to evaluate the resident’s abilities. A current physical and a physician’s order stating that Assisted Living is appropriate placement are required for admission. A representative from Gold Crest will visit with the resident or their representative to determine the initial Resident Service Agreement. The following information will assist you to understand some of our Assisted Living guidelines.
A Medication Aide is provided 24 hours a day to be the primary caregiver. That person will be able to provide supervision and minimal one-person assistance throughout the day. A Resident Services Coordinator is assigned to review medications, condition changes and provide an oversight of the Assisted Living operation 24 hours a day.
We do allow canes, walkers and wheel chairs, but do not provide these. These appliances can be purchased or rented from various dealers. We encourage our residents to be as independenct as possible; however we will provide a one-person assist for transfers into wheel chair, bed or toilet, on a temporary basis. Power chairs and scooters are allowed; but each resident must participate in training and observation before being allowed to use it independently or within required restrictions. Please see our Therapy Section for information on restorative and in-patient therapy services.
We encourage independence, but minimal assistance can be provided with dressing.
Bowel/Bladder Control
Residents need to be able to toilet themselves and manage their own incontinence. Residents who are unable to self-manage incontinence, will not be able to maintain residence in Assisted Living. In the evet a resident is ill or weak, temporary assistance is available. We can provide assistance with catheter care and colostomy care, but there may be an additional charge. Incontinent products are not provided by Gold Crest, but are available for purchase.
Mental Status
A resident may be confused, but if their behaviors become disruptive to the other residents, they may not be able to remain in Assisted Living. They must be able to find their own room. Residents who wander will be evaluated on an individual basis as to whether their needs can be met in Assisted Living.
Housekeeping/Laundry Services
Housekeeping services, towels and bed linens will be provided in the daily room rate. These items will be laundered with the regular laundry of the facility. There is a laundry area that the residents may use to wash personal clothing or these may be washed by Gold Crest staff for an additional charge per load.
Physician Visits
Each resident has the right to choose their own physician, and some doctors may be willing to come to our facility to see your loved one. Our Medical Director is Dr. Benjamin Biehl from Tecumseh. He routinely visits our facility and may be willing to assume the role of Primary Care Physician if the resident desires.
Medications are dispensed to the residents according to the physician orders and documented in their chart. Medications are provided, set up and labeled by Lake Crest Pharmacy of Adams, NE. Lake Crest is able to work with most of the Medicare D Drug Plans, Medicaid, and VA prescription plans. There may be instances where a resident utilizes over the counter or non-prescription medications or herbal products. All medicinal products used in our facility must have a physician order and pharmacy label on it. For this reason, we ask that family do not bring "medications" not ordered for the resident.
Each apartment has a shower, which the resident may use at their discretion. We highly encourage that our staff person assist the resident with a weekly whirlpool. If a resident requests more showers or whirlpools with assistance, there is an additional charge.
Medical Services
Additional medical services that are offered include visits with a Podiatrist that comes to our facility to provide nail and foot care and psychiatric consults to assist with depression, anxiety or behaviors. Local dental and chiropractic services can be arranged. Lab work can be drawn at our facility by qualified nursing staff and sent to a lab. Some services may incur additional charges. Please ask if you have questions.
It is our goal to maintain a safe working and living environment for everyone on our healthcare campus. We practice emergency drills to ensure readiness and training for both employees and resdients, maintaining a calm atmosphere to reduce the stress and percieved danger.
For more information on Gold Crest's Assisted Living, please contact Michelle Denker, RN, RAC-CT, CDP, DON at

Gold Crest Retirement Center is Medicare and Medicaid certified. We will assist with Medicare and insurance filing, provided we have all the current and accurate information. Each resident has access to beautiful safe courtyards, and various rooms which can be reserved for family gatherings. Cable Television Service is included in the room rates, however, the resident is responsible for furnishing a television. Gold Crest provides three nutritionally balanced meals a day, with juice and snacks available mid-morning, afternoon, and before bed.
Each resident may have a telephone in their room. If they choose to have this service, they need to contact a telephone services provider of their choice. We also have designated phones for the residents to use to promote their privacy, available upon request. For hearing impaired residents, a volume enhancer may be applied to the phone to assist with their hearing. This device is kept at the skilled nurse’s station.
Each resident has the choice of recieving beauty/barber shop services in house. Appointments can be made on a weekly, bi-weekly, or a customized schedule of their preference. These charges are added to the resident's billing each month.
A wide variety of activities are provided to meet the needs of our residents. A daily schedule is given at breakfast time that includes the activities for that day. Each resident is asked if they would like to attend and their decision is respected. If they desire to attend they will be assisted to and from the activity, if help is needed. Family members are welcome to attend activities with their loved ones.
Sunday chapel services are held at 2:30 P.M. in the chapel with fellowship following in the Activity Center with coffee and cookies served. Special small group activities or one to one visits are also planned for those with special needs. We encourage our residents to continue on with activity interests from their past in their rooms. Large print books are available from the local library and are changed each month.
Gold Crest welcomes visitors. We believe it is important to maintain the abilities of our residents through their contacts and relations. Residents may receive visits from anyone they wish. We do not have set visiting hours. Special rooms in the Center have been designated as visiting rooms to provide comfort and privacy.
We do have the right to ask visitors to leave if they are disruptive or threaten the safety of others or if the resident does not want to see them. We do not allow solicitors.
Gold Crest welcomes people to bring in their pets for visits but we first must have proof of their current shot record or wellness check from their veterinarian. This verifies that the animal/bird is healthy. All pets need to be clean, well groomed and their master must stay with them while in the building. They must not travel in food areas. No “aggressive in nature” pets will be allowed in the facility, and all visitors with pets need to be aware of residents that do not enjoy or welcome pets. Please respect their wishes.
We can provide transportation with our van for medical appointments but there is a charge. Van transportation can also be provided for non-medical outings at an additional charge if trained staff is available.
For more information regarding any of Gold Crest's services, please call Social Services at (402) 988-7115 or (402) 477-1462 or contact or .